Enrich Your Legacy and Empower Canyon Cares through Thoughtful Estate Planning”

The magic of giving lies not just in the act itself but also in how it’s done. Canyon Cares, a lifeline of financial hope for area residents, functions on various financial donations, with planned giving rising as a powerful support instrument.

Let’s delve into what planned giving entails to make the art of giving clearer. Often woven into a donor’s estate planning fabric, these gifts can be stocks, real estate, personal property, life insurance, retirement benefits, or even cold hard cash. Delivered during your lifetime or posthumously, these donations can create lasting ripples of change.

Recent planned gifts allowed Canyon Cares to widen its reach and expand the areas we serve. Now, we stand ready to accept contributions of stocks, personal property, and proceeds from life insurance or retirement plans.

Planned gifts allow us to better meet the growing demand for our service and act as pathway for those eager to donate stocks, bonds, and the like, offering tax benefits to donors. There are many reasons to target the fourth quarter for a gift, but now is the perfect time to start discussing this with your financial advisors as there can be some documentation to consider.

You might ask, but why include a planned gift in your estate plan? The answers are plentiful.

  1. Craft your legacy: Planned giving opens doors to creating a lasting testament for you and your family. More than just a donation, it’s a tribute to your values and a means to immortalize your impact on causes that matter to you.
  2. Amplify your impact: While annual donations and grants are the lifeblood of any non-profit organization, planned gifts can act as a catapult, launching an organization’s mission to unprecedented heights. With your lifetime of appreciated assets, we could empower those in need for years to come.
  3. Harvest tax benefits: Aside from the inherent good, planned giving vehicles such as Charitable Remainder Trusts and Qualified Charitable Distributions come with significant tax perks. Not to be mistaken for a tax expert, I do recommend discussing these potential benefits with a seasoned estate professional.
  4. Tailor your contribution: A planned gift is a contractual agreement. This means you can dictate how your donation is used, allowing you to champion specific aspects of our mission that you hold dear.
  5. Pay it forward: Finally, planned giving allows you to reciprocate an organization’s support. If you or a loved one has been a recipient of aid, a planned gift can be a way to say ‘thank you’ and pass on the blessings.

As a proud 501(c)3, Canyon Cares invites you to explore how your planned gifts could enrich our mountain community and power our mission. Let’s weave a legacy of care and support together.